Making an effort in a few small areas will make your house feel more welcoming to potential buyers. Putting forth minimal effort can ensure that you are getting the highest value for your home.
Declutter - Decluttering makes the house feel bigger.
Depersonalize - Buyers want to imagine themselves living in your house, not you.
Remove any fixtures you’d like to keep - If grandma’s antique chandelier is attached to the house, it will be come part of the sale of the house.
Interview Realtors - A realtor will be your advisor, pick one that knows the market and is a strong negotiator.
Prepare mentally- Selling your home can be emotional, make sure you are prepared.
Asking questions is good. Asking the right questions is best. Click here to learn the right questions to ask your sellers agent.
If you have owned a home for any length of time, chances are you have equity built up. When you sell your house, you free up that equity. While there are many different options to put this money towards, I recommended applying the money to these areas first.
A down payment for your next home
Paying off high interest rate debts
A remodel on your next home
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